- Tekan tombol Power atau tombol On pada Komputer
- Selanjutnya Komputer akan melakukan booting dengan menjalankan BIOS ( Basic Input Output System ) yang terdapat pada komputer. Jika pada komputer telah terpasang sistem operasi seperti Microsoft Window atau Linux maka selanjutnya komputer akan menjalankan prosedur untuk membuka sistem operasi yang terpasang pada komputer tersebut.
- Komputer yang berada pada suatu jaringan biasanya mengharuskan penguna komputer untukLog in terlebih dahulu sebelum memasuki Sistem. Jika komputer yang kamu gunakan berada dalam suatu jaringan dan mengharuskan kamu melakukan Log in, gunakan username dan password yang telah diberikan.
A.2 Mematikan Komputer
- Pilih Tombol Start pada taskbar
- Tekan Tombol Turr Off Computer yang akan menampilkan kotak dialog Turn Off computer , pada kota dialog tersebut terdapat empat pilihan , yaitu:
- Stand By, Pilihan ini digunakan untuk mengubah kondisi komputer dalam keasaan Low-Power. Keadaan seperti ini membuat komputer dalam keadaan tidur atau komputer sebenarnya tidak mati. Dengan pilihan komputer akan mengkonsumsi tenaga listrik yang rendah.
- Turn Off, PIlihan digunakan untuk mematikan komputer. Dengan pilihan ini perubahan konfigurasi (setting) Windows XP akan tersimpan terlebih dahuu.
- Restrat, Pilihan ini gidunakan untuk untuk mematikan komputer dan kemudian menghidupkannya lagi. Sebelum memulai kembali, perubahan konfigurasi (setting) Windows XP yang telah dilakukan akan disimpan terlebih dahulu.
- Hibernate, dapat ditampilkan dengan menekan tombol Shift pada Keyboard dan Stand By. Pilihan ini digunakan untuk mengakhiri penggunaan Windows XP dengan terlebih dahulu menyimpan posisi pekerjaan terakhir yang sedang dikerjakan ke dalam harddisk. Jika kamu menghidupkan kembali secara otomatis.
B. Macam-Macam Perangkat Lunak
Secara umum, software digunakan untuk mempermudah pengorganisasian kinerja Hardware . Dengan adanya software akan mengurangi interaksi manusia pada Hardware yang bermacam-macam.
Kita dapat mengelompokkan software berdasarkan fungsi atau dukungannya terhadap hardware. Dukungan pada hardware dapat digambarkan dalam diagram dibawah ini:
Dari gambar terlihat dibawah hardware langsung terdapat software sistem operasi. Software sistem Operasi ini yang melakukan hubungan dengan hardware secara langsung. Hardware yang beroperasi tanpa sistem operasi akan mempunya operasi yang terbatas dan tidak dapat di gunakan untuk menjalasnkan software aplikasi.
Berdasarkan fungsinya, software dibagi menjadi tujuh, yaitu :
- Sistem Operasi
- Program Aplikasi
- Bahasa Pemrograman
- Program Bantu
- Program Paket
- Program Permainan
- Program Multimedia
Sistem operasimerupakan program utama yang langsung berinteraksi dengan bahasa yang di kenal oleh mesin komputer ( bahasa mesin). Penggunaan processor, memory, hardisk dan komponen lainnya diatur oleh sistem operasi .
Contoh Sistem Operasi :
- Produk Microsoft : Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, WIndows Me, WIndows XP, Windows Vista, WIndows NT (untuk jaringan).
- Produk Novel : Linux, Redhat, OpenSuse, Ubuntu, Mandrake, Mandriva,dll
- Produk Apple : Macintosh
- Produk IBM : DOS, UNIX
2. Program Aplikasi
Program aplikasi merupakan program yang di buat untuk tujuan tertentu, misalnya untuk penjualan di supermarket, untuk mengelola data rumah sakit, untuk mencetak kuitansi dan sebagainya.
3. Bahasa Pemrograman
Bahasa pemrograman merupakan bahasa yang dipakai untuk membuat program komputer. dengan bahasa pemrograman , kita dapat menyusun perintah-perintah yang harus dijalankan oleh komputer sehingga menghasilkan informasi atau melakukan pekerjaan sesuai dengan keinginan.
Tingkatan Bahasa Pemrograman ada 4 yaitu :
- Low Languange Program ( Bahasa Pemgrograman Tingkat Rendah), contohnya Assembly machine
- Middle Language Program ( Bahasa Pemrograman Tingkat Menengah), contohnya Bahasa C++
- High Language Program ( Bahasa Pemrograman Tingkat Tinggi ), Contohnya Pascal, Borland , Fotran
- 4GL ( Bahasa Pemrograman Tingkat ke 4 ), contohnya Visual Basic, Visual FOxPro
4. Program Bantu ( Utility )
Program Bantu merupakan program yang bertujuan untuk mengatur konfigurasi komputer, menjaga komputer dari serangan virus dan hacker, menyelamatkan data dan sebagainya. Program jenis ini tidak banyak melibatkan pengguna dalam penggunaannya, tetapi bekerja sendiri sesuai dengan perintah dan fungsinya.
Contoh program bantu yang kita kenal yaitu Anti Virus, Backup , Disk Defragmenter, dsbnya.
5. Program Paket
Program paket merupakan gabungan dari beberapa aplikasi yang di paket menjadi kesatuan untuk menangani suatu bidan pekerjaan yang saling berkaitan. Contoh paket yang paling terkenal adalah Microsoft Office dimana didalamnya terdapat program untuk mengolah kata (Microsoft Word), untuk mengolah angka ( Microsoft Excel), Untuk Program Presentasi ( Microsoft Power Point) dll.
Dilihat dari bidang pekerjaan yang ditangani, program paket dapat dibedakan menjadi:
1. Aplikasi perkantoran, misalnya : Microsoft Office dan StarOffice
2. Aplikasi database, misalnya : oracle dan SQL Server
3. Aplikasi grafik, misalnya Adobe Photoshop dan Corel Draw
6. Program Permainan
Program permainan merupakan program-program yang dibuat untuk menampilkan permainan interaktif pada layar komputer.
Contoh program permainan yang sudah dikenal yaitu :
a. Solitaire, tersedia pada Accessories WIndows
b. Counter Strike, umumnya dimainkan di game center
c. Kurusetra, terkenal sebagai game asli buatan indonesia
7. Program Multimedia
Program Multimedia mencakup program-program yang memainkan musik atau lagu, memutar film atau video, untuk menangkap siaran radio atau televisi dan program lainnya.
contoh Program multimedia yaitu :
a. Winamp, umumnya digunakan untuk memainkan lagu mp3
b. JetAudio dapat memainkan berbagai format lagu serta video
c. RealPlayer, dapat menangkap siaran radio dan TV dari Internet
To turn on the computer, you can perform the following steps:
Press the Power button or the On Computers
Next Computers akan podići do with running the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) that are on the computer. If the computer has installed the operating system such as Microsoft Windows or Linux computer will then run a procedure to open the operating system installed on the computer.
Computer that is on a network usually requires that the user computer in untukLog before entering the system. If you use a computer in a network and require you to log in, use the username and password have been provided.
A.2 death Computers
After you are finished using the computer, it is not directly off the Power button directly, because it will cause damage to your computer. How to turn off the computer varies depending on the Operating System that is used. If the Operating System Microsoft Windows is used to turn off the computer can be done with the following steps:
Select the Start button on the taskbar
Press Turr Off Computer button that will display a dialog box Turn Off computer, the dialog of the city there are four options, namely:
Stand By, This option is used to change the conditions in the computer keasaan Low-Power. Circumstances such as this make the computer in sleep or the computer does not actually die. With the computer option will consume a low electric power.
Turn Off, the choice is used to turn off the computer. With this option changes the configuration (settings) Windows XP will be saved to dahuu.
Restrat, this gidunakan Options to turn to the computer and then menghidupkannya again. Before you start again, change the configuration (settings) Windows XP that has been done will be saved first.
Hibernate, can be displayed by pressing the Shift key on the Keyboard and Stand By. This option is used to end the use of Windows XP with the first store the last position of the work under way in the hard disk. If you turn on again automatically.
B. Macam-Macam Software
In general, the software used to simplify organizing the performance of hardware. With the software will reduce the human interaction on the Hardware manifold.
We can group or function based on software support for hardware. Support the hardware can be described in the diagram below:
Seen from the picture below there is a direct hardware software operating system. Operating system software that make this relationship with the hardware directly. Hardware that operates without the operating system will have a limited operation and can not be in use for menjalasnkan software applications.
Based on its function, the software is divided into seven, namely:
Operating System
Program Applications
Programming Languages
Program Helps
Program Package
Games Program
Multimedia Program
System operasimerupakan main programs that interact directly with the language is known by the engine computer (machine language). The use of processor, memory, hard drives and other components are set by the operating system.
Sample Operating System:
Microsoft products: Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows NT (for networks).
Novel Products: Linux, Redhat, openSUSE, Ubuntu, Mandrake, Mandriva, etc.
Apple Products: Macintosh
IBM Products: DOS, UNIX
2. Program Applications
Application program is a program that in a for a particular purpose, such as for sales in supermarkets, to manage the hospital data, to print a receipt and so forth.
3. Programming Languages
Programming language is the language used to create a computer program. with the programming language, we can set up commands to be executed by the computer so that the information or perform work in accordance with the desire.
Programming Language levels are 4, namely:
Low Languange Program (English Pemgrograman Lowest Level), for example, Assembly machine
Middle Language Program (Intermediate Level Programming Language), for example, C + +
High Language Program (High-Level Programming Languages), Pascal For example, Borland, Fotran
4GL (Level Programming Language to 4), for example, Visual Basic, Visual Foxpro
4. Program Helps (Utility)
Program Helps is a program that aims to set the computer configuration, keep the computer from viruses and hacker attacks, save data and so forth. This type of program does not involve a lot of users in their use, but the work itself in accordance with the commands and functions.
Bantu example program that we know that Anti Virus, Backup, Disk Defragmenter, dsbnya.
5. Program Package
The program package is a combination of several applications in the package to be unity for a midwife to handle the work related. Sample package is the most popular Microsoft Office programs where there are said to work (Microsoft Word), to calculate the number (Microsoft Excel), Presentation To Program (Microsoft Power Point) etc..
View from the field in the work, the program package can be divided into:
1. Office applications, such as Microsoft Office and StarOffice
2. Database application, such as oracle and SQL Server
3. Graphics applications, such as Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw
6. Games Program
Game program is a program created to display the interactive games on the computer screen.
An example of a game program that is already known:
a. Solitaire, is available on the Windows Accessories
b. Counter Strike, generally played in the game center
c. Kurusetra, famous as the original game made in indonesia
7. Multimedia Program
Multimedia programs include programs that play music or a song, a film or video, to capture the radio or television broadcasts and other programs.
multimedia program that is an example:
a. Winamp, is generally used to play mp3 songs
b. JetAudio can play a variety of songs and video formats
c. RealPlayer, you can catch the broadcast radio and TV from the Internet
Press the Power button or the On Computers
Next Computers akan podići do with running the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) that are on the computer. If the computer has installed the operating system such as Microsoft Windows or Linux computer will then run a procedure to open the operating system installed on the computer.
Computer that is on a network usually requires that the user computer in untukLog before entering the system. If you use a computer in a network and require you to log in, use the username and password have been provided.
A.2 death Computers
After you are finished using the computer, it is not directly off the Power button directly, because it will cause damage to your computer. How to turn off the computer varies depending on the Operating System that is used. If the Operating System Microsoft Windows is used to turn off the computer can be done with the following steps:
Select the Start button on the taskbar
Press Turr Off Computer button that will display a dialog box Turn Off computer, the dialog of the city there are four options, namely:
Stand By, This option is used to change the conditions in the computer keasaan Low-Power. Circumstances such as this make the computer in sleep or the computer does not actually die. With the computer option will consume a low electric power.
Turn Off, the choice is used to turn off the computer. With this option changes the configuration (settings) Windows XP will be saved to dahuu.
Restrat, this gidunakan Options to turn to the computer and then menghidupkannya again. Before you start again, change the configuration (settings) Windows XP that has been done will be saved first.
Hibernate, can be displayed by pressing the Shift key on the Keyboard and Stand By. This option is used to end the use of Windows XP with the first store the last position of the work under way in the hard disk. If you turn on again automatically.
B. Macam-Macam Software
In general, the software used to simplify organizing the performance of hardware. With the software will reduce the human interaction on the Hardware manifold.
We can group or function based on software support for hardware. Support the hardware can be described in the diagram below:
Seen from the picture below there is a direct hardware software operating system. Operating system software that make this relationship with the hardware directly. Hardware that operates without the operating system will have a limited operation and can not be in use for menjalasnkan software applications.
Based on its function, the software is divided into seven, namely:
Operating System
Program Applications
Programming Languages
Program Helps
Program Package
Games Program
Multimedia Program
System operasimerupakan main programs that interact directly with the language is known by the engine computer (machine language). The use of processor, memory, hard drives and other components are set by the operating system.
Sample Operating System:
Microsoft products: Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows NT (for networks).
Novel Products: Linux, Redhat, openSUSE, Ubuntu, Mandrake, Mandriva, etc.
Apple Products: Macintosh
IBM Products: DOS, UNIX
2. Program Applications
Application program is a program that in a for a particular purpose, such as for sales in supermarkets, to manage the hospital data, to print a receipt and so forth.
3. Programming Languages
Programming language is the language used to create a computer program. with the programming language, we can set up commands to be executed by the computer so that the information or perform work in accordance with the desire.
Programming Language levels are 4, namely:
Low Languange Program (English Pemgrograman Lowest Level), for example, Assembly machine
Middle Language Program (Intermediate Level Programming Language), for example, C + +
High Language Program (High-Level Programming Languages), Pascal For example, Borland, Fotran
4GL (Level Programming Language to 4), for example, Visual Basic, Visual Foxpro
4. Program Helps (Utility)
Program Helps is a program that aims to set the computer configuration, keep the computer from viruses and hacker attacks, save data and so forth. This type of program does not involve a lot of users in their use, but the work itself in accordance with the commands and functions.
Bantu example program that we know that Anti Virus, Backup, Disk Defragmenter, dsbnya.
5. Program Package
The program package is a combination of several applications in the package to be unity for a midwife to handle the work related. Sample package is the most popular Microsoft Office programs where there are said to work (Microsoft Word), to calculate the number (Microsoft Excel), Presentation To Program (Microsoft Power Point) etc..
View from the field in the work, the program package can be divided into:
1. Office applications, such as Microsoft Office and StarOffice
2. Database application, such as oracle and SQL Server
3. Graphics applications, such as Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw
6. Games Program
Game program is a program created to display the interactive games on the computer screen.
An example of a game program that is already known:
a. Solitaire, is available on the Windows Accessories
b. Counter Strike, generally played in the game center
c. Kurusetra, famous as the original game made in indonesia
7. Multimedia Program
Multimedia programs include programs that play music or a song, a film or video, to capture the radio or television broadcasts and other programs.
multimedia program that is an example:
a. Winamp, is generally used to play mp3 songs
b. JetAudio can play a variety of songs and video formats
c. RealPlayer, you can catch the broadcast radio and TV from the Internet
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